extends Codebench
extends Kohana_Codebench
- None
public $description
Default value:
string(42) ""
public array $grades
Grade letters with their maximum scores. Used to color the graphs.
Default value:
array(6) ( 125 => string(1) "A" 150 => string(1) "B" 200 => string(1) "C" 300 => string(1) "D" 500 => string(1) "E" "default" => string(1) "F" )
public $loops
Default value:
integer 1000
public $subjects
Default value:
array(10) ( 0 => string(0) "" 1 => string(4) "news" 2 => string(5) "news/" 3 => string(6) "/news/" 4 => string(11) "news/page/5" 5 => string(11) "news/page:5" 6 => string(19) "" 7 => string(24) "" 8 => string(22) "" 9 => string(29) "" )
public __construct() (defined in Bench_URLSite)
Return Values
- void
Source Code
public function __construct()
foreach ($this->subjects as $subject)
// Automatically create URIs with query string and/or fragment part appended
$this->subjects[] = $subject.'?query=string';
$this->subjects[] = $subject.'#fragment';
$this->subjects[] = $subject.'?query=string#fragment';
public bench_explode() (defined in Bench_URLSite)
Source Code
public function bench_explode($uri)
// Chop off possible scheme, host, port, user and pass parts
$path = preg_replace('~^[-a-z0-9+.]++://[^/]++/?~', '', trim($uri, '/'));
$fragment = '';
$explode = explode('#', $path, 2);
if (isset($explode[1]))
$path = $explode[0];
$fragment = '#'.$explode[1];
$query = '';
$explode = explode('?', $path, 2);
if (isset($explode[1]))
$path = $explode[0];
$query = '?'.$explode[1];
return $path.$query.$fragment;
public bench_less_is_more() (defined in Bench_URLSite)
Source Code
public function bench_less_is_more($uri)
// Chop off possible scheme, host, port, user and pass parts
$path = preg_replace('~^[-a-z0-9+.]++://[^/]++/?~', '', trim($uri, '/'));
return $path;
public bench_less_is_more_with_strpos_optimization() (defined in Bench_URLSite)
Source Code
public function bench_less_is_more_with_strpos_optimization($uri)
if (strpos($uri, '://') !== FALSE)
// Chop off possible scheme, host, port, user and pass parts
$uri = preg_replace('~^[-a-z0-9+.]++://[^/]++/?~', '', trim($uri, '/'));
return $uri;
public bench_original() (defined in Bench_URLSite)
Source Code
public function bench_original($uri)
// Get the path from the URI
$path = trim(parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
if ($query = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_QUERY))
$query = '?'.$query;
if ($fragment = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT))
$fragment = '#'.$fragment;
return $path.$query.$fragment;
public bench_regex() (defined in Bench_URLSite)
Source Code
public function bench_regex($uri)
preg_match('~^(?:[-a-z0-9+.]++://[^/]++/?)?([^?#]++)?(\?[^#]*+)?(#.*)?~', trim($uri, '/'), $matches);
$path = Arr::get($matches, 1, '');
$query = Arr::get($matches, 2, '');
$fragment = Arr::get($matches, 3, '');
return $path.$query.$fragment;
public bench_regex_without_arrget() (defined in Bench_URLSite)
Source Code
public function bench_regex_without_arrget($uri)
preg_match('~^(?:[-a-z0-9+.]++://[^/]++/?)?([^?#]++)?(\?[^#]*+)?(#.*)?~', trim($uri, '/'), $matches);
$path = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';
$query = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
$fragment = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '';
return $path.$query.$fragment;
public run() (defined in Kohana_Codebench)
Runs Codebench on the extending class.
Return Values
- array - Benchmark output
Source Code
public function run()
// Array of all methods to loop over
$methods = array_filter(get_class_methods($this), [$this, '_method_filter']);
// Make sure the benchmark runs at least once,
// also if no subject data has been provided.
if (empty($this->subjects))
$this->subjects = ['NULL' => NULL];
// Initialize benchmark output
$codebench = [
'class' => get_class($this),
'description' => $this->description,
'loops' => [
'base' => (int) $this->loops,
'total' => (int) $this->loops * count($this->subjects) * count($methods),
'subjects' => $this->subjects,
'benchmarks' => [],
// Benchmark each method
foreach ($methods as $method)
// Initialize benchmark output for this method
$codebench['benchmarks'][$method] = ['time' => 0, 'memory' => 0];
// Using Reflection because simply calling $this->$method($subject) in the loop below
// results in buggy benchmark times correlating to the length of the method name.
$reflection = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($this), $method);
// Benchmark each subject on each method
foreach ($this->subjects as $subject_key => $subject)
// Prerun each method/subject combo before the actual benchmark loop.
// This way relatively expensive initial processes won't be benchmarked, e.g. autoloading.
// At the same time we capture the return here so we don't have to do that in the loop anymore.
$return = $reflection->invoke($this, $subject);
// Start the timer for one subject
$token = Profiler::start('codebench', $method.$subject_key);
// The heavy work
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->loops; ++$i)
$reflection->invoke($this, $subject);
// Stop and read the timer
$benchmark = Profiler::total($token);
// Benchmark output specific to the current method and subject
$codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key] = [
'return' => $return,
'time' => $benchmark[0],
'memory' => $benchmark[1],
// Update method totals
$codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time'] += $benchmark[0];
$codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory'] += $benchmark[1];
// Initialize the fastest and slowest benchmarks for both methods and subjects, time and memory,
// these values will be overwritten using min() and max() later on.
// The 999999999 values look like a hack, I know, but they work,
// unless your method runs for more than 31 years or consumes over 1GB of memory.
$fastest_method = $fastest_subject = ['time' => 999999999, 'memory' => 999999999];
$slowest_method = $slowest_subject = ['time' => 0, 'memory' => 0];
// Find the fastest and slowest benchmarks, needed for the percentage calculations
foreach ($methods as $method)
// Update the fastest and slowest method benchmarks
$fastest_method['time'] = min($fastest_method['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time']);
$fastest_method['memory'] = min($fastest_method['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory']);
$slowest_method['time'] = max($slowest_method['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time']);
$slowest_method['memory'] = max($slowest_method['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory']);
foreach ($this->subjects as $subject_key => $subject)
// Update the fastest and slowest subject benchmarks
$fastest_subject['time'] = min($fastest_subject['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['time']);
$fastest_subject['memory'] = min($fastest_subject['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['memory']);
$slowest_subject['time'] = max($slowest_subject['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['time']);
$slowest_subject['memory'] = max($slowest_subject['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['memory']);
// Percentage calculations for methods
foreach ($codebench['benchmarks'] as & $method)
// Calculate percentage difference relative to fastest and slowest methods
$method['percent']['fastest']['time'] = (empty($fastest_method['time'])) ? 0 : ($method['time'] / $fastest_method['time'] * 100);
$method['percent']['fastest']['memory'] = (empty($fastest_method['memory'])) ? 0 : ($method['memory'] / $fastest_method['memory'] * 100);
$method['percent']['slowest']['time'] = (empty($slowest_method['time'])) ? 0 : ($method['time'] / $slowest_method['time'] * 100);
$method['percent']['slowest']['memory'] = (empty($slowest_method['memory'])) ? 0 : ($method['memory'] / $slowest_method['memory'] * 100);
// Assign a grade for time and memory to each method
$method['grade']['time'] = $this->_grade($method['percent']['fastest']['time']);
$method['grade']['memory'] = $this->_grade($method['percent']['fastest']['memory']);
// Percentage calculations for subjects
foreach ($method['subjects'] as & $subject)
// Calculate percentage difference relative to fastest and slowest subjects for this method
$subject['percent']['fastest']['time'] = (empty($fastest_subject['time'])) ? 0 : ($subject['time'] / $fastest_subject['time'] * 100);
$subject['percent']['fastest']['memory'] = (empty($fastest_subject['memory'])) ? 0 : ($subject['memory'] / $fastest_subject['memory'] * 100);
$subject['percent']['slowest']['time'] = (empty($slowest_subject['time'])) ? 0 : ($subject['time'] / $slowest_subject['time'] * 100);
$subject['percent']['slowest']['memory'] = (empty($slowest_subject['memory'])) ? 0 : ($subject['memory'] / $slowest_subject['memory'] * 100);
// Assign a grade letter for time and memory to each subject
$subject['grade']['time'] = $this->_grade($subject['percent']['fastest']['time']);
$subject['grade']['memory'] = $this->_grade($subject['percent']['fastest']['memory']);
return $codebench;
protected _grade(integer|double $score ) (defined in Kohana_Codebench)
Returns the applicable grade letter for a score.
- integer|double $score required - Score
Return Values
- string - Grade letter
Source Code
protected function _grade($score)
foreach ($this->grades as $max => $grade)
if ($max === 'default')
if ($score <= $max)
return $grade;
return $this->grades['default'];
protected _method_filter(string $method ) (defined in Kohana_Codebench)
Callback for array_filter(). Filters out all methods not to benchmark.
- string $method required - Method name
Return Values
- boolean
Source Code
protected function _method_filter($method)
// Only benchmark methods with the "bench" prefix
return (substr($method, 0, 5) === 'bench');