
Last updated: 25.05.2024


What is Koseven?

Koseven is an elegant, open source, and object oriented HMVC framework built using PHP7+, by a team of volunteers. It aims to be swift, secure, and small. It is the successor of defunct Kohana Framework.

Will it work as dropin of Kohana?

If you were using 3.3.x version of Kohana you may need to make some small changes. Please refer to upgrading from Kohana section of the documentation.

Why a Kohana alternative?

Kohana 3.3.x was used by us in many live projects, and the original team stopped the development. A while ago, on Feb 4 2017 "Shadowhand" announced the final retirement - "Kohana is DEAD". Before the final announcement everyone started to check if it was possible to migrate existing projects to other alternative PHP frameworks. As it turned out switching would be a complex and lengthy job. So it became clear that keeping the project alive and updated is a priority. And so the Koseven repository was born and will keep this repository updated for future releases of PHP, giving the framework a clear perspective for the future.

Are modules of the original Kohana compatible?

Yes they are, just be sure that they are compatible with Kohana 3.3.X. An overview of Koseven's team own modules can be found here. There's also a list online with a nice overview of koseven modules, maintained by our community. You can consult this list here.

What are the future plans for the project?

Our focus is not only to keep the framework compatible with new releases of PHP, fix bugs and improve the speed, but also adding exciting new features to it. Make sure to follow us on Twitter to get the latest news.


Is Koseven secure?

Koseven aims to be a very secure framework with integrated Security mechanisms for CSRF, SQL Injections, XSS and many more. Detailed Information about this can be found in our Documentation.

I found a Security Issue, what now?

We try to archive maximum Security by detailed review of code changes and pull requests. If you still find an Security vulnerability, please contact the core developers via our Telegram Group and we will try to fix it asap.

Found a Bug?

If you've stumbled across a bug, please help us out by reporting what you have found. Simply visit our GitHub Issue page and submit your issue. Thanks a lot!


Where can i get Support for Koseven?

You need Help, How-To's, Guides,...? Please consider to use our Forum maybe your answer is already there. If not feel free to open a topic and ask for it. If you need more detailed help or support you can also Join our Telegram Group.

Do you want to contribute to Koseven?

We need YOUR help!

This project is open source. What does this mean? YOU can help:
  • Found a bug? Report it on Github
  • Need a feature? Add it Here
  • Want to help? Join the Forum
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